Wellcome to Míriam R. García webpage (till 2022). We have moved to this New Webpage

My name is Míriam Rodríguez García. I am a Tenured Scientist at the Biosystems and Bioprocess Engineering Group (IIM - CSIC).

I am PI of the project "ControlAR: Model-based process engineering to CONTROL Antimicrobial Resistance for the food industry 4.0" (Web page ControlAR). RTI2018-093560-J-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE).
This project is a continuation of "RESISTANCE: Development of models and efficient numerical tools for the control of bacterial RESISTANCE to antimicrobials in the food industry" (Web page RESISTANCE). DPI2014-54085-JIN

For more information you can
  • surf my web for details about my research, publications...
  • check the models I have been working on here Github
  • see below info about my education, professional experience and the News and Event of the group
  • go to any of the following links

           Orcid   Scopus   WOS   GoogleScholar   ResearchGate   Loop (Frontiers)   Linkedin   Github   Twitter

  • Education
  • Masters degree in Chemistry. University of Vigo
  • Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. "Identification and Real Time Optimisation in the Food Processing and Biotechnology Industries" Department of Applied Mathematics II - University of Vigo (2008). All the research work during my PhD was developed in the Process Engineering Group belonging to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (IIM - CSIC). Here my mentors were Antonio A. Alonso and Eva Balsa-Canto
  • Past Institutions
  • Research fellow (2008-2013). Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland Maynooth. Here my mentors were Professors Peter E. Wellstead and Richard H. Middleton
  • Breaks
  • Maternity break. Oct 2012-Jun 2013
  • Maternity break. Oct 2014-Jun 2015
  • News and Events of the group
    We have stopped reporting news and events as we have moved to a New Webpage, included in our (also new) Group Webpage.
    Follow the links to see latest news.

    Nov. 2021
    • Míriam R. García becomes Tenured Scientist, (More info).
    Oct. 2021
    Sep. 2021
    • Attending XLII Jornadas de Automática Castellón 2021 to present our group "Comparing Stochastic MOdels of Bacterial Growth at Different scales (only abstract in English)". Download the work in this link
    Jul. 2021
    • Adrián Pedreira was interviewed by our regional television in Galicia Link to interview
    Jun. 2021
    May. 2021
    • We welcome Nerea Martínez López to our group. She is a PhD student and will work on multi-scale modelling of bacterial dynamics with antimicrobials.
    Apr. 2021
    Mar. 2021
    Feb. 2021
    Jan. 2021
    Nov. 2020
    Oct. 2020
    • We are happy to announce that Míriam R. García has passed the selection procedure to be tenured Research Scientist in the CSIC.
    Sep. 2020
    • We welcome Adrián Pedreira Bar. He has started working in our group as a PhD student to develop predictive models of inactivation by disinfectants. The fellowship was funded by the Xunta de Galicia.
    Aug. 2020
    Jul. 2020
    • We welcome Yeşim Taşkın. She will work with us for 4 months to study how to design optimal protocols of disinfection in the food industry. She is founded by the EIT Food RIS Fellowships
    • We are happy to announce that Míriam R. García was selected for the Ramón y Cajal fellowship in the 1st position of the area of Industrial production, civil engineering and engineering for societies.
    May. 2020
    Apr. 2020
    March. 2020
    • Short comment about the aim of ControlAR research project in the Spanish News
    Feb. 2020
    Jan. 2020
    • Accepted our work about Model-based design of smart active packaging systems with antimicrobial activity in the journal of Food Packaging and Shelf Life. Link to article. The code is available here
    • We welcome Marín Pérez to our research team. He will be using molecular dynamics to elucidate the mechanisms of disinfection of Chloride of Benzalkonium.
    Dec. 2019
    • Participating in the annual gathering of our Institute (Encontrols IIM: primeira fase), with a poster about food safety modelling.
    Nov. 2019
    Sep. 2019
    • Starting the module of Optimization and Control in the "Máster en Matemática Industrial". Department of mathematics, university of Vigo.
    • The ControlAR project starts: "ControlAR: Model-based process engineering to CONTROL Antimicrobial Resistance for the food industry 4.0". RTI2018-093560-J-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)
    Jul. 2019
    • We congratulate and wish the best of luck to Laura Honrubia. She defended her end-of-degree project to obtain the degree of BSc Biomedical Sciences (Universitat de Lleida) with the second-best mark. Her work was focused on "Optimization of Benzalkonium Chloride treatment in the disinfection of L. monocytogenes in the Food Industry". See document here
    Jun. 2019
    May. 2019
    Apr. 2019
    • I have participated as a specialist into the 147 European Study Group with Industry. A gathering of industrial scientists and academic mathematicians to work on problems affecting the industry. Our task was to identify control parameters of a wind turbine given its aeroelastic model, certain control logic and measurments of such turbine in operation
    Mar. 2019
    • I have been assigned the role of MEMBER in EFSA BIOHAZ WG on the use of "tubs" for fresh fishery products (M-2019-0023 /// EFSA-Q-2019-00053).
    Feb. 2019
    Dic. 2018
    Oct. 2018
    Sep. 2018
    • Attending the Spanish Annual Workshop in Automatica (XXXIX Jornadas de Automática) to present a work in collaboration with Miguel Mauricio about "Computer-Aided Design of Active Packaging/Food System for extended shelf life"
    Jul. 2018
    Jun. 2018
    • Míriam R. García will visit the Department of Mathematics at the Imperial College London for 3 weeks to collaborate with
      • Diego Oyarzún to control the Morbidostat dynamics
      • Philipp Thomas to estimate different bacterial growth aspects using DNA flow cytometry distributions
      • Andrea Weisse (NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance) to study evolution of resistance in different environments
    May. 2018
    Apr. 2018
    • Attending the 10th biennial FOODSIM2019 where we talked about:
      • Smart Sensors to assess and to anticipate Fish Quality Evolution
      • Stochastic Methods to model Bacterial Growth and Food Safety Risks: Some Perspectives
    Mar. 2018
    Jan. 2018
    Dec. 2017
    Nov. 2017
    • The Science Week Eva Balsa-Canto and Míriam R. García with other members of the Bioprocess Engineering Group presented the street fair "the maths that feeds us"
    Oct. 2017
    Sept. 2017
    Aug. 2017
    • Our work "New model of ATP degradation to accurately predict fish quality and reduce food waste" was selected to be presented as oral talk in the EFFoST conference .
    Jun. 2017
    • Attending the PACBB (11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics).
    May. 2017
    • Our works were selected for the 10th International Conference of Predictive Microbiology in Food (2 oral talks and 1 poster):
      • Modelling biocide and bacteria interaction in chemical disinfection
      • Estimating bacterial population growth rates from flow cytometry
      • Modelling and identification of relevant pathways for nucleotide degradation in fresh hake during storage
    Mar. 2017
    Dec. 2016
    Nov. 2016
    Oct. 2016
    • Attending the FOSBE (International Federation of Automatic Control).
    Sep. 2016
    Aug. 2016
    Jul. 2016
    • Our work was selected for a IFAC conference talk. The research focused on modelling cell size variability using flow cytometry and it will be presented in October in FOSBE
    • Attending the FoodMicro 2016 Conference. Here we present a poster about designing a smart sensor for predicting cod quality and shelf-life (Poster) . They were very interesting sessions about AMR and Risk analysis, see the abstracts of the conference here
    Jun. 2016
    • Jorge Macridachis has started his Master intership. During three months he will model the growth of Lactococcus lactis, one of the most important microorganisms in the dairy industry. Using the software AMIGO2 and experimental data provided by our collaborator Marta López Cabo, he will explore aspects related with parameter uncertainty and optimal experimental desing.
    May 2016
    Mar. 2016
    Nov. 2015
    Oct. 2015